Rabu, 18 November 2009
Photoshop Tips: Filter Effect Color Halftone
Open your photo in Photoshop and get to work by resizing it, copying it to a new document, or whatever you want to do with it
1. Colourise: Create a new layer (layer > new > layer) then get out the Gradient Tool. Using the gradient tool, add a very bright radial gradient onto your new layer, Try a few different layer modes and see which one looks best to You. You might also want to try a few different Solid Color fill layers, then mess with the settings for those, but this will be fine for now.
2. Shapes / Details: For this part of the tutorial you might want to hide the layer we previously made (the gradient layer). Start by getting out the Custom Shape Tool and finding the heart shape (or any other shape you think would look cool). Create a new layer and make a few white hearts on your canvas.As you can see in the above image, I also rotated a few of my heart shapes to make it look a little more interesting! Finish off with the hearts by adding a larger, pink-filled one in the background (behind your white shapes).
3. Halftone Effect: Now we want to add something really interesting on top of our hearts/shapes. Start by opening the Channels tab (window > channels) and creating a new channel (create a new channel by clicking the icon at the bottom of the palette). You might need/want to make a new layer before doing this channel business. Now to make an interesting effect out of these boring dobs — go to Filter > Pixelate > Color Halftone and use an appropriate setting (you’ll have to press OK and check if it’s good enough). Using 32 as your Max. Radius should be good enough. Now, holding ctrl down on your keyboard, click on the thumbnail for your new channel, this will select the pixels. Go back to your layers palette and select a new/blank layer. Fill your newly-made selection in the fresh layer with the very bright & colorful gradient that comes with Photoshop.
4. Image Adjustments: would probably have made more sense to do the image adjustments at the start of the tutorial, but now we know what our outcome is mostly going to look like, we can make some photo adjustments to our stock. The main thing I did was add a levels adjustment layer below our screen gradient layer (note: layer > new adjustment layer > levels).
Simple way to create infrared effect
The spectral sensitivity of a photographic film emulsion will extend slightly beyond
that of the human visual spectrum. This can sometimes cause problems in color
photography when an object radiates light we cannot see, but the film does. This
phenomenon, known as metamerism, can affect the way the colors of specific garments
can appear the wrong color on the final film. There is also a special infrared
sensitive film emulsion you can buy, which is acutely sensitive to infrared radiation.
The black and white emulsion is quite grainy. Vegetation reflects a lot of infrared
light which we human observers are not aware of. Hence, green foliage will appear
very bright and almost iridescent when captured on infrared film.
1. This spring woodland scene is a prime candidate with which to demonstrate the following infrared technique. As you can see, there are a lot of fresh green leaves in the picture. What follows is an extensionof the color to monochrome technique using the Channel Mixer.
2. Essentially, what I am attempting to do here is to take this Channel Mixer technique to extremes.Now if we want the green channel to appear the lightest, because that’s where all the green foliage information is, then we have got to somehow boost the green channel mix. The maximum setting allowed is 200% which produces a burnt-out ‘screened’ result. Bearing in mind the ‘keep everything adding up close to 100%’ rule, I reduced the other two channel percentages, to give them minus values. There was a little cyancoloring in the green, so I reduced the red channel by only 30% and the blue channel was therefore set to minus 70%.
3. So far so good. Now I want to add some glow to the foliage. It is important that the underlying image has remained in RGB (because it is the adjustment layer which is making the monochrome conversion). I went to the Channels palette and highlighted the green channel and applied a Gaussian blur filtration to that channel only. The result of the full blur is shown opposite. This isn’t the desired result, so I followed that with an Edit > Fade Filter command, reducing the blur to a 26% opacity and Screen blend mode.
4. This is the final result after applying the Channel Mixer adjustment and green channel blur on the ackground layer. To further simulate the infrared emulsion, try adding a hefty amount of Gaussian noise filtration to either all three color channels or the green channel only.
Summary by:supermaster
Ini salah satu tulisan yang bermanfaat dari saya. Mudah-mudahan pembaca mengerti dan bisa memperbaiki teknik fotografinya agar lebih baik lagi.
1. Penerangan yang fleksibel karena built in flash tidak dapat di gunakan pada semua situasi. Gunakan external flash, diffuser(membuat cahaya flash lebih lembut), lampu flash kedua sehingga cahaya seperti dalam studio.
2. Perluas pandangan dengan wide converter, panorama(foto objek dalam beberapa segmen dan satukan dalam PC)
3. Filter kamera agar dapat menghasilkan segalanya yang di inginkan dari sebuah jepretan. Gunakan filter polarizer(agar terhindar dari refleksi yang tidak di inginkan sehingga warna lebih cerah), filter UV(mengurangi efek kabut akibat pantulan sinar UV), filter gradual ND(untuk menyeimbangkan foto dengan latar belakang yang kontras)
4. Agar gambar foto lebih detail, anda bisa gunakan zoom extra pada kamera saku(digital zoom- namun kualitas gambar kurang), menambah teleconverter pada kamera saku dan maro converter untuk meningkatkan fungsi macro sehingga memperoleh foto gambar di mensi baru.
5. Gunakan LCD yang lebih baik agar foto dapat ekposure lebih baik di bawah sinar matahari. Alat itu antara lain: hood LCD(menampilkan kontras yang lebih baik di bawah sinar matahari), tube karton bekas tissue untuk menahan sinar matahari.
6. Filter kamera untuk menopang kamera jika ingin melakukan eksposure yang lebih lama dengan menggunakan berbagai macam tripod yaitu: ringan, mini dan monopod.
7. Filter kamera untuk foto outdoor minimal harus ada 2 orang atau lebih untuk mengerjakan pemotretan dengan menggunakan reflektor lipat ataupun manfaatkan dinding/kain berwarna putih yang di potret bersama dengan objek.
Selamat mencoba.
Bagi-BAGI TIPS FOTOGRAFI Originally published in Shvoong: http://id.shvoong.com/internet-and-technologies/1831793-bagi-bagi-tips-fotografi/
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